India’s Debut Bullet Train Will Be The First In The World To Take You Under The Sea

Japan’s bullet trains have been a raging success ever since they were first introduced back in 1964. People take them across the country to and from work or home and get to their destination in just a fraction of time that it takes by regular rail. It was an innovative idea that took the world by storm, so it’s no wonder other countries have been begging for the plans and designs to make it happen in their own homelands. One of the latest countries to get the coveted train is India.
However, they’re not just building any old track for the bullet train, they’re making an underwater track for passengers to ride through. The 508 km ride will take place partly underwater with a 21km stretch going through an underwater tunnel. The project is already costing the country a ton of money, but luckily Japan is fronting 81 percent of the moolah. Too bad passengers will have to wait to 2018 to even see the project start its construction.

This Is Some Next Level, Magic School Bus Type Stuff

The underwater tracks, while not the first of it’s kind (think London-Paris’ Chunnel), will be the first train track underwater to actually provide a view of the ocean. Instead of a dark, dim tunnel, the movers and shakers behind the project want the ride to resemble an aquarium tunnel.

When Your Train Ride Becomes “Finding Nemo”

The train will go from Mumbai to Ahmedabad at the speed of 350 kmph. That means it’ll take the currently seven hour train ride and reduce it to just two hours. The tickets, just like the ones for the bullet trains in Japan, are sure to come at a hefty price, but with epic, underwater views it’ll surely be worth it!

 Coming Soon To An Ocean Near You


Until The Day Comes, There’s Always The “Hello Kitty” Train

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